American Cheese Society
Cheese Entry Categories and Standards of Excellence
To view the full list of 2025 categories and standards of excellence, scroll down on this page or download the list below.
The committee reviews and updates the categories annually.

Cheese Entry Categories
Click the plus sign to expand each category or the minus sign to minimize it.
Cheese Curds, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Impastata, Mascarpone, Quark, Ricotta.
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KA), Queso Blanco–types (Refer to Category G), Neufchatel (Refer to Category J), Fresh Goat Cheese (Refer to Category N), Crème Fraiche (Refer to Category Q), Pasta Filata (refer to category H), spreads, blends or dips (refer to category S), Stracciatella (refer to category H)
- AD: Cottage Cheese - all milks
- AM: Mascarpone and Cream Cheese – made from cow's milks
- AN: Mascarpone and Cream Cheese - made from mixed or other milks
- AQ: Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, and Quark – made from cow’s milk
- AX: Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, and Quark – made from mixed or other milks
- AR: Ricotta – made from cow’s milks
- AT: Ricotta - made from mixed or other milks.
- NOTE: Type I -- Whole Milk Ricotta. The cheese is manufactured from whole milk, and the finished product shall contain not more than 80.0% moisture and not less than 11.0% milkfat. EXCLUDED: Type II -- Part-skim Ricotta. The cheese is manufactured from milk with reduced milk fat content, and the finished product shall contain not more than 80.0% moisture and less than 11.0% but not less than 6.0% milkfat. Type III -- Ricotta (Ricotone) from whey or skim milk. The cheese is manufactured from skim milk, whey, or a blend of these products and the finished product shall contain not more than 82.5% moisture and less than 1.0% milkfat. See category J.
- AY: Crescenza and Stracchino style cheeses- all milks
- NOTE: Crescenza – typically square or rectangular cheeses under 16 ounces, made with uncooked curds – rindless, aged 10 – 15 days. Stracchino – cheeses aged over 14 days made with uncooked curds showing a thin rind and less creamy or spreadable than Crescenza.
- AH: Cheese Curds – all milks
ACS recognizes cheese curds as the fresh, solid, unripened form of curdled / soured / cultured / fermented milk that is the foundation for Cheddar and other cheeses, unique in flavor and texture, and optimally consumed within a day of its production.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories.
- AC: Open Category – Fresh Unripened Cheeses – made from cow's milk
Surface mold-ripened cheeses (Brie, Camembert, Coulommiers, etc.).
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KB), Washed Rind Cheeses (Refer to Category TB). External Molded Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category F), excluded: soft ripened cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves, or grass, refer to category DB
- BB: Soft Ripened– made from cow’s milk 8 oz. and under
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BC: Soft Ripened– made from cow's milk over 8 oz
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BT: Soft ripened cream added (double, triple creme cheeses) – all milks: cheeses with butterfat over “60% on a dry basis (double) or 75% on a dry basis (triple)”
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories.
- BA: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BG: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from goat's milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BS: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from sheep's milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BX: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
Cheeses recognized by the ACS as uniquely American in their original forms: Brick Cheese, Brick Muenster, Colby, Dry Jack, Monterey Jack, Teleme. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KM)
- CB: Brick Cheese – made from cow’s milk
- CD: Dry Jack – made from cow’s milk
- CJ: Monterey Jack – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: Colby Jack (refer to category CN)
- CN: Colby-Jack -- made from cow's milk
- CM: Brick Muenster – made from cow’s milk
- CT: Teleme – made from cow’s milk
- CY: Colby – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: Colby Jack (refer to category CN)
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories. Cheesemakers will be asked for a brief explanation of what differentiates their entry.
Cheeses recognized by the ACS as:
- Unique in their recipe and formulation
- Different from other acknowledged recipes for cheese types
- Created with a combination of at least THREE of the following elements that cause it to be globally new and unique from all other cheese types. All new entries are vetted by the J&C committee:
- RECIPE – when a cheese maker makes measurable changes to any or all of these: pH, vat time, moisture, acidity, treatment of the curd, use of whey or other manipulation of the raw materials of milk or culture or starter agent or salting, brining, or pressing that adds an obvious difference to an existing recipe or is completely new from all other cheese recipes.
- TEXTURE –when a cheese maker makes noticeable and desirable changes cheese texture qualities with an obvious tactile or mouth feel sensation.
- COMBINATION OF TWO OR MORE CHEESES OR TWO OR MORE MILKS – when a cheese maker combines two or more cheeses or two or more milks. Must be dairy milk (not soy or almond or another non-animal source).
- APPEARANCE/ RIND DEVELOPMENT – when a cheese maker creates an enhanced cheese surface or rind development that alters the cheese and/or its appearance, flavor or texture and contributes to its uniqueness as an original recipe cheese. o
- FLAVOR PROFILE – when a cheese maker creates an obvious profile of a specific flavor or combination of flavors not available in other cheese.
- NON-DAIRY INGREDIENTS – The cheese maker makes use of natural, non-artificial flavor agents or ingredients that contribute to the uniqueness of the cheese as an original recipe. Use of naturally occurring vegetation, produce or habitat materials identified and /or sourced at the place cheese is made or aged is encouraged. NON – DAIRY INGREDIENTS should produce an obvious, measurable contribution to the uniqueness / original recipe of the cheese. The added ingredients should be crucial and directly measurable for adding to the flavor, texture or curd manipulation in support of making a cheese creatively unique and should not be the dominant flavor.
- The use of ingredients and flavor agents commonly used in cheeses entered in Category K: herbs, seasoning, peppercorns, hot peppers, fruits, and liquids is strongly discouraged.
- Only entries that have been approved in their first year for categories CC-CG- CS – CX and have additional flavorings added to their original recipe AFTER their first year should enter KM – (American Originals with Flavor Added – all milks). The original recipe must remain complete but the entry with NEW flavorings added will move to KM 2024 ACS Categories – FINAL Page 3 Revised 11/13/2023 when entered in any year AFTER the first year that original recipe qualified for CC-CGCS-CX.
- RIPENING PRACTICES – when a cheese maker takes unusual steps to ripen their own cheese to create a unique result. This ripening element includes uncommon, complex, overlapping or repetitive ripening methods that measurably and in an obvious way produce uniqueness and originality in the finished cheese.
- CC: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from cow's milk
- CG: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from goat's milk
- CS: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from sheep's milk
- CX: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from mixed or other milks
Cheese modeled after or based on recipes for established European or other international types or styles (Abondance, Beaufort, Butterkase, Caerphilly, English Territorials, Gruyere, Juustoleipa, Monastery, Port Salutstyles, etc.). Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor, including Leyden (Refer to Category KD); Cheeses with a washed rind (Refer to Category T); all Cheddars (Refer to Category E); all Hispanic/Portuguese-style (Refer to Category G); all Italian-style Pasta Filata types; Grating types and Mozzarella types (Refer to Category H); all Feta (Refer to Category I); spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
- DB: Cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves, or grass: Mont D’Or, Bannon, Robiola style cheeses, etc. - all milks
- DD: Dutch-style (Gouda, Edam, etc.) – aged through 9 months - all milks
- DF: Dutch-style (Gouda, Edam, etc.) – aged 10 months and over - all milks
- DE: Emmental-style with Eye Formation (Swiss, Baby Swiss, Blocks, Wheels, etc.) – made from cow’s milk
- ALLOWED: Cheesemakers producing traditional Emmental wheels (180 lb. approx.) are permitted to submit cuts from original wheels. Entries cut from original wheels must weigh a minimum of 22 lbs.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories. Intended style required on entry form
- DC: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from cow's milk
- DG: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from goat's milk
- DS: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from sheep's milk
- DX: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from mixed, or other milks
All Cheddars – all milks – Based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Pasteurize process cheeses of any kind; Cheddars with any added flavors (Refer to Category KE); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
- EA: Aged Cheddar – aged 13 months through 23 months – all milks
- EC: Cheddar – aged through 12 months – made from cow’s milk
- EG: Cheddar – aged through 12 months – made from goat’s, sheep’s, buffalo’s, mixed, or other milk
- EX: Mature Cheddar – aged 24 months through 47 months – all milks
- EE: Mature Cheddar – aged 48 or more months – all milks
- EW: Cheddar wrapped in cloth, linen with a natural rind – aged through 12 months – all milks.
- Excluded: cheeses with a natural wax or plasticoat
- EB: Cheddar wrapped in cloth, linen with a natural rind – aged 13 or more months – all milks.
- Excluded: cheeses with a natural wax or plasticoat
- EF- Sweet Cheddar- commonly made by including Lb. helveticus adjunct culture - all milks, all ages
All cheeses ripened with Penicillium roqueforti or glaucum Excluded: Blue Mold Cheeses with Flavor Added (Refer to Category KC); Smoked Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category LC or LX); Spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
Defined as having no additional rind or coating on the external face of the cheese (Roquefort-style, Danish Bluestyle, etc.).
- FC: Rindless Blue-veined – made from cow's milk
- FX: Rindless Blue-veined – made from goat, sheep, mixed, or other milks
Defined as a fully developed rind growth different from the naturally occurring blue (Bleu de Gex, Stilton, etc.). The rind can include white mold (soft ripened mold/Penicillium candidum; Cambozola, etc.). External Coatings include non-mold coatings such as nettles, ash, herbs, leaves, spices, crust, cloth, oils, etc.
- FK: Blue-veined with a rind or external coating – made from cow’s milk
- FZ: Blue-veined with a rind or external coating – made from goat, sheep, mixed, or other milks
Cheeses having NO INTERNAL BLUE VEINING but which DO have a rind, covering or crust made of BLUE MOLD which is completely different and separate from the cheese paste (Hubbardston Blue, Montbriac, etc.)
- FE: External Blue-molded cheeses – all milks
Cheeses made in the Americas based on the recipes of the Central and South American, Cuban, Hispanic, Latino, Mexican, Portuguese, and Spanish communities. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KG), Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L)
- GA: Ripened, Aged over 90 days (Anejo, Cincho, Cotija, Flamingo Bolla, Prato) – all milks
- GC: Fresh, Unripened (Acoreano, Freir, Queijo Blanco, Queso Andino, Queso Blanco, Queso Campesino, Queso Crema, Queso de Puna, Queso Fresco) – all milks
- GM: Cooking Hispanic – Cheeses intended to be consumed heated or melted (Para Freir, Quesadilla, Quesillo, etc.) – all milks.
- NOTE – All entries in this category will be cooked for judging.
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category K); Crescenza, Mascarpone, and Ricotta, stracchino (Refer to Category A); Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category F); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Washed Rind Cheeses (Refer to Category T); Quesillo or Oaxaca (Refer to Category G).
- HA: Grating types (Aged Asiago, Domestic Parmesan, Grana, Reggianito, Romano, Sardo) – all milks
- For Romano made only from cow’s or goat’s milk (for sheep milk Romano please refer to Category OU)
- HD: Traditional Regional Italian Cheeses (including but not limited to: Mezzo Secco, Asiago Piccante and Fresca, Piave, Montasio, Caciotta, Bra, Ragusano, Fontina, Fontal, Toma, Robiola Natural Rind, etc.) – all milks
- NOTE: If using an original (new) name but following a traditional recipe, cheesemaker must identify cheese of origin in the comment field.
- HP: Pasta Filata types (Provolone, Caciocavallo) – all milks
- HM: Mozzarella types (Brick shape or loaf, Scamorza, String Cheese) – all milks
- HY: Fresh Mozzarella – individual piece of cheese 8 oz. or more (Balls or Shapes) – all milks
- NOTE: Sizes listed in HY refer to the size of the individual mozzarella ball, not the weight of the package.
- HZ: Fresh Mozzarella – individual piece of cheese under 8 oz. (Ovalini, Bocconcini, Ciliegine sizes) – all milks
- NOTE: Sizes listed in HZ refer to the size of the individual mozzarella ball, not the weight of the package.
- HB: Burrata – Fresh mozzarella encasing a distinctly separate core made from softer curd and cream, or other soft cheese – all milks
- NOTE: For Stracciatella see HS
- HS: Stracciatella – Mozzarella and cream typically used to fill Burrata – all milks
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KI); Spreads, dips, blends or whipped feta (refer to category AC, KQ, KI, or S)
- IC: Feta – made from cow's milk
- IG: Feta – made from goat's milk
- IX: Feta – made from sheep, mixed, or other milks
Each cheese entry must be labeled with one of the following terms:
- Fat-Free: less than 0.5 grams fat per labeled serving size & no added fat or oil
- Low Fat: maximum 3 grams total fat per serving for serving size if serving size is more than 30 grams or 2 tablespoons; and 3 grams of fat or less per 50 grams of product if serving size is less than 30 grams or less than 2 tablespoons.
- Light or Lite: if less than 50% of calories come from fat the cheese label must show a 33.3% reduction of calories than referenced amount or 50% reduction in fat. If more than 50% of calories come from fat, the cheese labels must show a minimum of 50% reduction of fat per reference amount.
- Reduced Fat: minimum 25% reduction in total fat per referenced amount. Source: U.S. Nutrition Labeling & Education Act - Nov., 1990
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KJ); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind.
- JL: Fat Free and Low Fat cheeses – Limited to cheeses with 3 grams or less total fat per serving size – all milks
- JR: Light/Lite and Reduced Fat cheeses – Limited to cheeses with 25 – 50% reduction of fat per serving size when 50% of calories in the serving size come from fat – all milks
Cheeses, butters, and cultured dairy products containing ingredients distinct from, and not included in, the dairy process itself. Ingredients are either blended internally or applied externally for the purpose of adding additional flavors not found in those dairy products themselves. Excluded: Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L), marinated cheeses refer to category P, Cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves or grass (refer to category DB) Entries are judged on the quality of the base cheese or dairy product and the complementary balance of its added flavors.
- KA: Fresh Unripened Cheese with Flavor Added (Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Impastata, Quark, etc.) – cow, sheep, mixed, and other milks (All fresh 100% goat milk cheeses, refer to Category KN)
- KL: Cheese Curds with sweet predominant flavor – all milks
- KU: Cheese Curds with savory predominant flavor -- all milks
- KB: Soft-Ripened with Flavor Added – all milks
- KD: International-Style with Flavor Added – all milks. Intended style required on entry form
- KE: Cheddar with Flavor Added (refer to category KH for intended hot flavors) – all milks
- KH: Cheddar with hot pepper (capsaicin) /spicy flavor added (intended hot)– all milks
- KF: Farmstead Cheese with Flavor Added (must conform to all guidelines in Category M) – all milks
- KG: Hispanic-Style with Flavor Added – all milks . Intended style required on entry form
- KI: Feta with Flavor Added – all milks
- KJ: Reduced Fat Cheese with Flavor Added – all milks refer to category J for fat content requirements
- KK: Rubbed-Rind Cheese with added flavor ingredients rubbed or applied on the exterior surface of the cheese only.
- Excluded: Washed-Rind cheeses, refer to Category T – all milks
- KM: American Originals (see C category) with Flavor Added – all milks
- Excluded: Flavored Colby, Monterey and Colby Jack cheeses (refer to Category KW)
- KN: Fresh Goat Cheese with sweet predominant flavor – aged under 30 days – 100% goat’s milk
- KP: Fresh Goat Cheese with savory predominant flavor – aged under 30 days – 100% goat’s milk
- KO: Sheep Cheese with Flavor Added – 100% sheep’s milk.
- Excluded: Sheep’s milk cheese with added flavor and bloomy rind (refer to category KB)
- KQ: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Set yogurts, Greek-style, dips, etc.) – cow’s milk
- KT: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Set yogurts, Greek-style, dips, etc.) – all mixed and other milks
- KV: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Drinkable, pourable, smoothie, etc.) – all milks
- KW: Jack-style American Originals (flavored Colby, Monterey and Colby Jack cheeses) -- all milks
- KR: Butter with Flavor Added – all milks
- KS: Cold-Pack and Club Cheeses with Flavor Added – with a maximum moisture of 42% – all milks. Refer to definition in Category S
- Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheeses, Spreads or Dips with added mayonnaise, cream cheese, or yogurt.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories (e.g. Flavored Blue Cheese). Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind
- KC: Open Category - Cheeses with Flavor Added – all milks and mixed milks
Information about the smoke source (i.e. natural and/or smoke flavorings) must accompany each cheese entry. Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheeses of any kind. For entries with added smoked ingredients (e.g. smoked peppercorns), refer to category K.
- LM: Smoked Italian Styles (Mozzarella, Scamorza, Bocconcini, Ovalini, etc.) – all milks
- LD: Smoked Cheddars – all milks
- LG: Gouda – Smoked Cheeses – made from all milks
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above listed categories.
- LC: Open Category – Smoked Cheeses – made from cow's milk
- LX: Open Category – Smoked Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks
For a cheese to be classified as “farmstead,” as defined by the American Cheese Society, the cheese must be made with milk from the farmer’s own herd, or flock, and aged on the farm where the animals are raised. Milk used in the production of farmstead cheeses may not be obtained from any outside source. Farmstead cheeses may be made from all types of milk and all styles. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KF), cheeses made from the milk from the farmers own herd but not made or aged onsite (third party affineurs); Smoked (Refer to Category L).
Limited to cheeses and fermented milk products produced with:
- Milk obtained solely from the farmer’s own herds/flocks on the farm where the animals are raised
- Care and attention given to the purity, quality, and flavor of the milk
- Production primarily accomplished by hand
- Natural ripening with emphasis on development of characteristic flavor and texture, without the use of shortcuts and techniques to increase yield and shelf life at the expense of quality
- Respect for the traditions and history of cheesemaking regardless of the size of the production
- MA: Farmstead Category – Aged less than 60 days – all milks
- MC: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – 39% or higher Moisture – made from cow’s milk
- ME: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – Less than 39% Moisture – made from cow’s milk
- MG: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from goat’s milk
- MS: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from sheep's milk
- MX: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from mixed, or other milks
Open to all shapes and styles of 100% goat’s milk cheeses; based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KN); Cheese Curds, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Mascarpone, Quark, and Ricotta (refer to category A); Cheeses with bloomy rinds (refer to category BG); cheeses with bloomy rinds and added cream (refer to category BT); Spreads, blends or dips (Refer to Category S).
- NO: Fresh Rindless Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days -- Extruded (logs, cylinders, buche style, etc.) or in containers (cups, tubs, cryovac bags). Vegetable ash coating permitted.
- Extruded shape, goat logs, goat cheese in cylinders, buche style, etc.
- Fresh goat cheese in containers, cups, tubs, cryovac bags
- NS: Fresh Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days – Hand-shaped (formed or molded into pyramid, disc, drum, crottin, basket or other shape). Vegetable ash coating permitted.
- NT: Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 31 to 60 Days. Extruded or hand-shaped.
- NU: Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged Over 60 Days. Extruded or hand-shaped.
Open to all shapes and styles of 100% sheep’s milk cheeses; based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KO); surface ripened cheeses (refer to category BS); surface ripened cheeses and added cream (refer to category BT); Spreads, blends or dips (Refer to Category S).
- OO: Fresh Rindless Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days
- OT: Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged 31 to 60 Days
- OU: Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged Over 60 Days
Entries must identify the type of marinade (olive oil, safflower oil, vinegar, wine, spirits and liqueur, etc., including additional ingredients). Entries do not need to be in the marinade solution at the time of judging.
- PC: Cheeses Marinated in Liquids and Ingredients – made from cow's milk
- PX: Cheeses Marinated in Liquids and Ingredients – made from mixed, or other milks
Limited to Buttermilk, Yogurt, Sour Cream, Crème Fraiche, Kefir, Labneh, etc. Excluded: Cultured products with any added flavors (Refer to Category KQ); or yogurts blended with any other cheeses (Refer to Category KQ); Cultured products made with added oil (Refer to Category P)
- QF: Crème Fraiche and Sour Cream Products – made from cow’s milk
- QK: Drinkable Cultured Products, Kefir, Drinkable Yogurt, Lassi, Buttermilk, or other drinkable cultured products – all milks
- QL: Labneh, Greek Style Yogurt, and Other Strained Cultured Products – all milks
- QY: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from cow’s milk
- QD: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from goat’s milk
- QX: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from sheep mixed, or other milks
Whey Butter, Salted Butter, Sweet Butter, Cultured Butter, Ghee or Clarified Butter, etc. Excluded: Butters with any added flavors (Refer to Category KR)
- RC: Salted Butter with or without cultures – made from cow's milk
- RO: Unsalted Butter with or without cultures – made from cow’s milk
- RX: Butter with or without cultures – made from mixed, or other milks
- RE: Ghee – all milks
Produced by grinding, mixing, blending, or whipping one or more natural cheeses, without the aid of heat and/or emulsifying salts (plant-based gums permitted). Cold pack cheese and cheese food, unflavored – Maximum Moisture 42%. Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind, spreads or dips with added mayonnaise, cream cheese or yogurt. Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Categories KA, KC, or KS).
- SC: Open Category – Cold-Pack, Club Cheeses, and Cheese Spreads – all milks
Cheeses with a rind or crust washed in salted brine, whey, beer, wine, other alcohol Excluded: Blue Cheeses with a washed rind (Refer to Category F); cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves or grass, refer to category DB
- TB: Soft-Ripened Washed Rind – Cheese using soft ripened cheese-make recipes with these differences from white mold rinds: elevated pH and lower acidity or high moisture over 42% or exhibiting an obvious smeared or sticky rind or crust (B-Linens/ Brevibacterium) – all milks.
- Examples of bacterial surface-ripened cheeses in the style of: Alsatian Munster, Chimay, Epoisses, Italico, Langres, Limburger, Pont L’Eveque, Robiola/Taleggio, St. Nectaire.
- Excluded: Brined/washed rind cheeses with very firm texture and a moisture content less than 42%. (Please refer to the Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses below.)
- TR: Raclette-style – Aged over 45 days – Alpine-style cheese able to be scraped when warmed and melts without excess free oil release – all milks
- NOTE – All entries in this category will be cooked for judging. For cheeses not to be melted refer to category TC
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories and that have a moisture content up to 42%. Examples: Appenzeller-style, Vignerons-style, Alpine-style, Monastery-style
- TC: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from cow's milk
- TG: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from goat's milk
- TS: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from sheep's milk
- TX: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks
Cheese Entry Categories
Click the plus sign to expand each category or the minus sign to minimize it.
Cheese Curds, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Impastata, Mascarpone, Quark, Ricotta.
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KA), Queso Blanco–types (Refer to Category G), Neufchatel (Refer to Category J), Fresh Goat Cheese (Refer to Category N), Crème Fraiche (Refer to Category Q), Pasta Filata (refer to category H), spreads, blends or dips (refer to category S), Stracciatella (refer to category H)
- AD: Cottage Cheese - all milks
- AM: Mascarpone and Cream Cheese – made from cow's milks
- AN: Mascarpone and Cream Cheese - made from mixed or other milks
- AQ: Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, and Quark – made from cow’s milk
- AX: Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, and Quark – made from mixed or other milks
- AR: Ricotta – made from cow’s milks
- AT: Ricotta - made from mixed or other milks.
- NOTE: Type I -- Whole Milk Ricotta. The cheese is manufactured from whole milk, and the finished product shall contain not more than 80.0% moisture and not less than 11.0% milkfat. EXCLUDED: Type II -- Part-skim Ricotta. The cheese is manufactured from milk with reduced milk fat content, and the finished product shall contain not more than 80.0% moisture and less than 11.0% but not less than 6.0% milkfat. Type III -- Ricotta (Ricotone) from whey or skim milk. The cheese is manufactured from skim milk, whey, or a blend of these products and the finished product shall contain not more than 82.5% moisture and less than 1.0% milkfat. See category J.
- AY: Crescenza and Stracchino style cheeses- all milks
- NOTE: Crescenza – typically square or rectangular cheeses under 16 ounces, made with uncooked curds – rindless, aged 10 – 15 days. Stracchino – cheeses aged over 14 days made with uncooked curds showing a thin rind and less creamy or spreadable than Crescenza.
- AH: Cheese Curds – all milks
ACS recognizes cheese curds as the fresh, solid, unripened form of curdled / soured / cultured / fermented milk that is the foundation for Cheddar and other cheeses, unique in flavor and texture, and optimally consumed within a day of its production.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories.
- AC: Open Category – Fresh Unripened Cheeses – made from cow's milk
Surface mold-ripened cheeses (Brie, Camembert, Coulommiers, etc.).
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KB), Washed Rind Cheeses (Refer to Category TB). External Molded Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category F), excluded: soft ripened cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves, or grass, refer to category DB
- BB: Soft Ripened– made from cow’s milk 8 oz. and under
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BC: Soft Ripened– made from cow's milk over 8 oz
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BT: Soft ripened cream added (double, triple creme cheeses) – all milks: cheeses with butterfat over “60% on a dry basis (double) or 75% on a dry basis (triple)”
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories.
- BA: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BG: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from goat's milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BS: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from sheep's milk
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
- BX: Open Category – Soft-Ripened Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks
- Excluded: cheeses with added cream (refer to category BT)
Cheeses recognized by the ACS as uniquely American in their original forms: Brick Cheese, Brick Muenster, Colby, Dry Jack, Monterey Jack, Teleme. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KM)
- CB: Brick Cheese – made from cow’s milk
- CD: Dry Jack – made from cow’s milk
- CJ: Monterey Jack – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: Colby Jack (refer to category CN)
- CN: Colby-Jack -- made from cow's milk
- CM: Brick Muenster – made from cow’s milk
- CT: Teleme – made from cow’s milk
- CY: Colby – made from cow’s milk
- Excluded: Colby Jack (refer to category CN)
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories. Cheesemakers will be asked for a brief explanation of what differentiates their entry.
Cheeses recognized by the ACS as:
- Unique in their recipe and formulation
- Different from other acknowledged recipes for cheese types
- Created with a combination of at least THREE of the following elements that cause it to be globally new and unique from all other cheese types. All new entries are vetted by the J&C committee:
- RECIPE – when a cheese maker makes measurable changes to any or all of these: pH, vat time, moisture, acidity, treatment of the curd, use of whey or other manipulation of the raw materials of milk or culture or starter agent or salting, brining, or pressing that adds an obvious difference to an existing recipe or is completely new from all other cheese recipes.
- TEXTURE –when a cheese maker makes noticeable and desirable changes cheese texture qualities with an obvious tactile or mouth feel sensation.
- COMBINATION OF TWO OR MORE CHEESES OR TWO OR MORE MILKS – when a cheese maker combines two or more cheeses or two or more milks. Must be dairy milk (not soy or almond or another non-animal source).
- APPEARANCE/ RIND DEVELOPMENT – when a cheese maker creates an enhanced cheese surface or rind development that alters the cheese and/or its appearance, flavor or texture and contributes to its uniqueness as an original recipe cheese. o
- FLAVOR PROFILE – when a cheese maker creates an obvious profile of a specific flavor or combination of flavors not available in other cheese.
- NON-DAIRY INGREDIENTS – The cheese maker makes use of natural, non-artificial flavor agents or ingredients that contribute to the uniqueness of the cheese as an original recipe. Use of naturally occurring vegetation, produce or habitat materials identified and /or sourced at the place cheese is made or aged is encouraged. NON – DAIRY INGREDIENTS should produce an obvious, measurable contribution to the uniqueness / original recipe of the cheese. The added ingredients should be crucial and directly measurable for adding to the flavor, texture or curd manipulation in support of making a cheese creatively unique and should not be the dominant flavor.
- The use of ingredients and flavor agents commonly used in cheeses entered in Category K: herbs, seasoning, peppercorns, hot peppers, fruits, and liquids is strongly discouraged.
- Only entries that have been approved in their first year for categories CC-CG- CS – CX and have additional flavorings added to their original recipe AFTER their first year should enter KM – (American Originals with Flavor Added – all milks). The original recipe must remain complete but the entry with NEW flavorings added will move to KM 2024 ACS Categories – FINAL Page 3 Revised 11/13/2023 when entered in any year AFTER the first year that original recipe qualified for CC-CGCS-CX.
- RIPENING PRACTICES – when a cheese maker takes unusual steps to ripen their own cheese to create a unique result. This ripening element includes uncommon, complex, overlapping or repetitive ripening methods that measurably and in an obvious way produce uniqueness and originality in the finished cheese.
- CC: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from cow's milk
- CG: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from goat's milk
- CS: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from sheep's milk
- CX: Original Recipe / Open Category – made from mixed or other milks
Cheese modeled after or based on recipes for established European or other international types or styles (Abondance, Beaufort, Butterkase, Caerphilly, English Territorials, Gruyere, Juustoleipa, Monastery, Port Salutstyles, etc.). Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor, including Leyden (Refer to Category KD); Cheeses with a washed rind (Refer to Category T); all Cheddars (Refer to Category E); all Hispanic/Portuguese-style (Refer to Category G); all Italian-style Pasta Filata types; Grating types and Mozzarella types (Refer to Category H); all Feta (Refer to Category I); spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
- DB: Cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves, or grass: Mont D’Or, Bannon, Robiola style cheeses, etc. - all milks
- DD: Dutch-style (Gouda, Edam, etc.) – aged through 9 months - all milks
- DF: Dutch-style (Gouda, Edam, etc.) – aged 10 months and over - all milks
- DE: Emmental-style with Eye Formation (Swiss, Baby Swiss, Blocks, Wheels, etc.) – made from cow’s milk
- ALLOWED: Cheesemakers producing traditional Emmental wheels (180 lb. approx.) are permitted to submit cuts from original wheels. Entries cut from original wheels must weigh a minimum of 22 lbs.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories. Intended style required on entry form
- DC: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from cow's milk
- DG: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from goat's milk
- DS: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from sheep's milk
- DX: Open Category – American Made/International Style – made from mixed, or other milks
All Cheddars – all milks – Based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Pasteurize process cheeses of any kind; Cheddars with any added flavors (Refer to Category KE); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
- EA: Aged Cheddar – aged 13 months through 23 months – all milks
- EC: Cheddar – aged through 12 months – made from cow’s milk
- EG: Cheddar – aged through 12 months – made from goat’s, sheep’s, buffalo’s, mixed, or other milk
- EX: Mature Cheddar – aged 24 months through 47 months – all milks
- EE: Mature Cheddar – aged 48 or more months – all milks
- EW: Cheddar wrapped in cloth, linen with a natural rind – aged through 12 months – all milks.
- Excluded: cheeses with a natural wax or plasticoat
- EB: Cheddar wrapped in cloth, linen with a natural rind – aged 13 or more months – all milks.
- Excluded: cheeses with a natural wax or plasticoat
- EF- Sweet Cheddar- commonly made by including Lb. helveticus adjunct culture - all milks, all ages
All cheeses ripened with Penicillium roqueforti or glaucum Excluded: Blue Mold Cheeses with Flavor Added (Refer to Category KC); Smoked Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category LC or LX); Spreads, dips or blends (Refer to Category S).
Defined as having no additional rind or coating on the external face of the cheese (Roquefort-style, Danish Bluestyle, etc.).
- FC: Rindless Blue-veined – made from cow's milk
- FX: Rindless Blue-veined – made from goat, sheep, mixed, or other milks
Defined as a fully developed rind growth different from the naturally occurring blue (Bleu de Gex, Stilton, etc.). The rind can include white mold (soft ripened mold/Penicillium candidum; Cambozola, etc.). External Coatings include non-mold coatings such as nettles, ash, herbs, leaves, spices, crust, cloth, oils, etc.
- FK: Blue-veined with a rind or external coating – made from cow’s milk
- FZ: Blue-veined with a rind or external coating – made from goat, sheep, mixed, or other milks
Cheeses having NO INTERNAL BLUE VEINING but which DO have a rind, covering or crust made of BLUE MOLD which is completely different and separate from the cheese paste (Hubbardston Blue, Montbriac, etc.)
- FE: External Blue-molded cheeses – all milks
Cheeses made in the Americas based on the recipes of the Central and South American, Cuban, Hispanic, Latino, Mexican, Portuguese, and Spanish communities. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KG), Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L)
- GA: Ripened, Aged over 90 days (Anejo, Cincho, Cotija, Flamingo Bolla, Prato) – all milks
- GC: Fresh, Unripened (Acoreano, Freir, Queijo Blanco, Queso Andino, Queso Blanco, Queso Campesino, Queso Crema, Queso de Puna, Queso Fresco) – all milks
- GM: Cooking Hispanic – Cheeses intended to be consumed heated or melted (Para Freir, Quesadilla, Quesillo, etc.) – all milks.
- NOTE – All entries in this category will be cooked for judging.
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category K); Crescenza, Mascarpone, and Ricotta, stracchino (Refer to Category A); Blue Cheeses (Refer to Category F); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Washed Rind Cheeses (Refer to Category T); Quesillo or Oaxaca (Refer to Category G).
- HA: Grating types (Aged Asiago, Domestic Parmesan, Grana, Reggianito, Romano, Sardo) – all milks
- For Romano made only from cow’s or goat’s milk (for sheep milk Romano please refer to Category OU)
- HD: Traditional Regional Italian Cheeses (including but not limited to: Mezzo Secco, Asiago Piccante and Fresca, Piave, Montasio, Caciotta, Bra, Ragusano, Fontina, Fontal, Toma, Robiola Natural Rind, etc.) – all milks
- NOTE: If using an original (new) name but following a traditional recipe, cheesemaker must identify cheese of origin in the comment field.
- HP: Pasta Filata types (Provolone, Caciocavallo) – all milks
- HM: Mozzarella types (Brick shape or loaf, Scamorza, String Cheese) – all milks
- HY: Fresh Mozzarella – individual piece of cheese 8 oz. or more (Balls or Shapes) – all milks
- NOTE: Sizes listed in HY refer to the size of the individual mozzarella ball, not the weight of the package.
- HZ: Fresh Mozzarella – individual piece of cheese under 8 oz. (Ovalini, Bocconcini, Ciliegine sizes) – all milks
- NOTE: Sizes listed in HZ refer to the size of the individual mozzarella ball, not the weight of the package.
- HB: Burrata – Fresh mozzarella encasing a distinctly separate core made from softer curd and cream, or other soft cheese – all milks
- NOTE: For Stracciatella see HS
- HS: Stracciatella – Mozzarella and cream typically used to fill Burrata – all milks
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KI); Spreads, dips, blends or whipped feta (refer to category AC, KQ, KI, or S)
- IC: Feta – made from cow's milk
- IG: Feta – made from goat's milk
- IX: Feta – made from sheep, mixed, or other milks
Each cheese entry must be labeled with one of the following terms:
- Fat-Free: less than 0.5 grams fat per labeled serving size & no added fat or oil
- Low Fat: maximum 3 grams total fat per serving for serving size if serving size is more than 30 grams or 2 tablespoons; and 3 grams of fat or less per 50 grams of product if serving size is less than 30 grams or less than 2 tablespoons.
- Light or Lite: if less than 50% of calories come from fat the cheese label must show a 33.3% reduction of calories than referenced amount or 50% reduction in fat. If more than 50% of calories come from fat, the cheese labels must show a minimum of 50% reduction of fat per reference amount.
- Reduced Fat: minimum 25% reduction in total fat per referenced amount. Source: U.S. Nutrition Labeling & Education Act - Nov., 1990
Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KJ); Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L); Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind.
- JL: Fat Free and Low Fat cheeses – Limited to cheeses with 3 grams or less total fat per serving size – all milks
- JR: Light/Lite and Reduced Fat cheeses – Limited to cheeses with 25 – 50% reduction of fat per serving size when 50% of calories in the serving size come from fat – all milks
Cheeses, butters, and cultured dairy products containing ingredients distinct from, and not included in, the dairy process itself. Ingredients are either blended internally or applied externally for the purpose of adding additional flavors not found in those dairy products themselves. Excluded: Smoked Cheeses (Refer to Category L), marinated cheeses refer to category P, Cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves or grass (refer to category DB) Entries are judged on the quality of the base cheese or dairy product and the complementary balance of its added flavors.
- KA: Fresh Unripened Cheese with Flavor Added (Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Impastata, Quark, etc.) – cow, sheep, mixed, and other milks (All fresh 100% goat milk cheeses, refer to Category KN)
- KL: Cheese Curds with sweet predominant flavor – all milks
- KU: Cheese Curds with savory predominant flavor -- all milks
- KB: Soft-Ripened with Flavor Added – all milks
- KD: International-Style with Flavor Added – all milks. Intended style required on entry form
- KE: Cheddar with Flavor Added (refer to category KH for intended hot flavors) – all milks
- KH: Cheddar with hot pepper (capsaicin) /spicy flavor added (intended hot)– all milks
- KF: Farmstead Cheese with Flavor Added (must conform to all guidelines in Category M) – all milks
- KG: Hispanic-Style with Flavor Added – all milks . Intended style required on entry form
- KI: Feta with Flavor Added – all milks
- KJ: Reduced Fat Cheese with Flavor Added – all milks refer to category J for fat content requirements
- KK: Rubbed-Rind Cheese with added flavor ingredients rubbed or applied on the exterior surface of the cheese only.
- Excluded: Washed-Rind cheeses, refer to Category T – all milks
- KM: American Originals (see C category) with Flavor Added – all milks
- Excluded: Flavored Colby, Monterey and Colby Jack cheeses (refer to Category KW)
- KN: Fresh Goat Cheese with sweet predominant flavor – aged under 30 days – 100% goat’s milk
- KP: Fresh Goat Cheese with savory predominant flavor – aged under 30 days – 100% goat’s milk
- KO: Sheep Cheese with Flavor Added – 100% sheep’s milk.
- Excluded: Sheep’s milk cheese with added flavor and bloomy rind (refer to category KB)
- KQ: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Set yogurts, Greek-style, dips, etc.) – cow’s milk
- KT: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Set yogurts, Greek-style, dips, etc.) – all mixed and other milks
- KV: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added (Drinkable, pourable, smoothie, etc.) – all milks
- KW: Jack-style American Originals (flavored Colby, Monterey and Colby Jack cheeses) -- all milks
- KR: Butter with Flavor Added – all milks
- KS: Cold-Pack and Club Cheeses with Flavor Added – with a maximum moisture of 42% – all milks. Refer to definition in Category S
- Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheeses, Spreads or Dips with added mayonnaise, cream cheese, or yogurt.
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories (e.g. Flavored Blue Cheese). Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind
- KC: Open Category - Cheeses with Flavor Added – all milks and mixed milks
Information about the smoke source (i.e. natural and/or smoke flavorings) must accompany each cheese entry. Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheeses of any kind. For entries with added smoked ingredients (e.g. smoked peppercorns), refer to category K.
- LM: Smoked Italian Styles (Mozzarella, Scamorza, Bocconcini, Ovalini, etc.) – all milks
- LD: Smoked Cheddars – all milks
- LG: Gouda – Smoked Cheeses – made from all milks
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above listed categories.
- LC: Open Category – Smoked Cheeses – made from cow's milk
- LX: Open Category – Smoked Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks
For a cheese to be classified as “farmstead,” as defined by the American Cheese Society, the cheese must be made with milk from the farmer’s own herd, or flock, and aged on the farm where the animals are raised. Milk used in the production of farmstead cheeses may not be obtained from any outside source. Farmstead cheeses may be made from all types of milk and all styles. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KF), cheeses made from the milk from the farmers own herd but not made or aged onsite (third party affineurs); Smoked (Refer to Category L).
Limited to cheeses and fermented milk products produced with:
- Milk obtained solely from the farmer’s own herds/flocks on the farm where the animals are raised
- Care and attention given to the purity, quality, and flavor of the milk
- Production primarily accomplished by hand
- Natural ripening with emphasis on development of characteristic flavor and texture, without the use of shortcuts and techniques to increase yield and shelf life at the expense of quality
- Respect for the traditions and history of cheesemaking regardless of the size of the production
- MA: Farmstead Category – Aged less than 60 days – all milks
- MC: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – 39% or higher Moisture – made from cow’s milk
- ME: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – Less than 39% Moisture – made from cow’s milk
- MG: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from goat’s milk
- MS: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from sheep's milk
- MX: Farmstead Category – Aged 60 days or more – made from mixed, or other milks
Open to all shapes and styles of 100% goat’s milk cheeses; based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Category KN); Cheese Curds, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Fromage Blanc, Fromage Frais, Mascarpone, Quark, and Ricotta (refer to category A); Cheeses with bloomy rinds (refer to category BG); cheeses with bloomy rinds and added cream (refer to category BT); Spreads, blends or dips (Refer to Category S).
- NO: Fresh Rindless Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days -- Extruded (logs, cylinders, buche style, etc.) or in containers (cups, tubs, cryovac bags). Vegetable ash coating permitted.
- Extruded shape, goat logs, goat cheese in cylinders, buche style, etc.
- Fresh goat cheese in containers, cups, tubs, cryovac bags
- NS: Fresh Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days – Hand-shaped (formed or molded into pyramid, disc, drum, crottin, basket or other shape). Vegetable ash coating permitted.
- NT: Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged 31 to 60 Days. Extruded or hand-shaped.
- NU: Goat’s Milk Cheese Aged Over 60 Days. Extruded or hand-shaped.
Open to all shapes and styles of 100% sheep’s milk cheeses; based on age at time of Judging & Competition. Excluded: Cheeses with any added flavors (Refer to Category KO); surface ripened cheeses (refer to category BS); surface ripened cheeses and added cream (refer to category BT); Spreads, blends or dips (Refer to Category S).
- OO: Fresh Rindless Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged 0 to 30 Days
- OT: Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged 31 to 60 Days
- OU: Sheep’s Milk Cheese Aged Over 60 Days
Entries must identify the type of marinade (olive oil, safflower oil, vinegar, wine, spirits and liqueur, etc., including additional ingredients). Entries do not need to be in the marinade solution at the time of judging.
- PC: Cheeses Marinated in Liquids and Ingredients – made from cow's milk
- PX: Cheeses Marinated in Liquids and Ingredients – made from mixed, or other milks
Limited to Buttermilk, Yogurt, Sour Cream, Crème Fraiche, Kefir, Labneh, etc. Excluded: Cultured products with any added flavors (Refer to Category KQ); or yogurts blended with any other cheeses (Refer to Category KQ); Cultured products made with added oil (Refer to Category P)
- QF: Crème Fraiche and Sour Cream Products – made from cow’s milk
- QK: Drinkable Cultured Products, Kefir, Drinkable Yogurt, Lassi, Buttermilk, or other drinkable cultured products – all milks
- QL: Labneh, Greek Style Yogurt, and Other Strained Cultured Products – all milks
- QY: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from cow’s milk
- QD: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from goat’s milk
- QX: Yogurts – Plain with NO Additional Ingredients – made from sheep mixed, or other milks
Whey Butter, Salted Butter, Sweet Butter, Cultured Butter, Ghee or Clarified Butter, etc. Excluded: Butters with any added flavors (Refer to Category KR)
- RC: Salted Butter with or without cultures – made from cow's milk
- RO: Unsalted Butter with or without cultures – made from cow’s milk
- RX: Butter with or without cultures – made from mixed, or other milks
- RE: Ghee – all milks
Produced by grinding, mixing, blending, or whipping one or more natural cheeses, without the aid of heat and/or emulsifying salts (plant-based gums permitted). Cold pack cheese and cheese food, unflavored – Maximum Moisture 42%. Excluded: Pasteurized Process Cheese of any kind, spreads or dips with added mayonnaise, cream cheese or yogurt. Cheeses with any added flavor (Refer to Categories KA, KC, or KS).
- SC: Open Category – Cold-Pack, Club Cheeses, and Cheese Spreads – all milks
Cheeses with a rind or crust washed in salted brine, whey, beer, wine, other alcohol Excluded: Blue Cheeses with a washed rind (Refer to Category F); cheeses wrapped in bark, leaves or grass, refer to category DB
- TB: Soft-Ripened Washed Rind – Cheese using soft ripened cheese-make recipes with these differences from white mold rinds: elevated pH and lower acidity or high moisture over 42% or exhibiting an obvious smeared or sticky rind or crust (B-Linens/ Brevibacterium) – all milks.
- Examples of bacterial surface-ripened cheeses in the style of: Alsatian Munster, Chimay, Epoisses, Italico, Langres, Limburger, Pont L’Eveque, Robiola/Taleggio, St. Nectaire.
- Excluded: Brined/washed rind cheeses with very firm texture and a moisture content less than 42%. (Please refer to the Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses below.)
- TR: Raclette-style – Aged over 45 days – Alpine-style cheese able to be scraped when warmed and melts without excess free oil release – all milks
- NOTE – All entries in this category will be cooked for judging. For cheeses not to be melted refer to category TC
This category is for cheese that does not belong in any of the above-listed categories and that have a moisture content up to 42%. Examples: Appenzeller-style, Vignerons-style, Alpine-style, Monastery-style
- TC: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from cow's milk
- TG: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from goat's milk
- TS: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from sheep's milk
- TX: Open Category – Washed Rind Cheeses – made from mixed, or other milks